Liberal Cupcake trying to change the world and maintain her sprinkles.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Reclaiming childhood

Hipsters are pretty much just reclaiming the best/awkward/cheap/sincere parts of childhood. Seriously, whose parents didn't have flannel shirts? Or pajamas for that matter. Every kid at a sleepover had footie jamas.

Damn we are stylish. 
I get it, it's not easy being 20-something so let's just go back 20 years. I need a shirt with 7 patterns on it. And I need to cut bangs into my hair. Then I can pretend life is simple again. My sister had the sweet glasses, I bet she could sell those now for easily twice what our medicaid paid for them.

Basically all childhood photos are what hipsters wish they could be now. All I know now is that I was a great hipster before modern hipsters even existed. I'm not all that into jazz like the previous hipsters were.
Photobomb by my cousin when I didn't even know my picture was being taken. 
Much like hipsters my cousin and I spent the majority of our time just chillin outside, not worrying about the world. When the above photo was taken I'm pretty sure the LA riots were happening. We gave zero fucks. 

Finally there's this:
I'm probably pooping. 
Floating in the backyard. Waiting for some giant to carry me to my next location of just chilling. Clearly life was easier then. 

The problem with being a hipster now is that they are missing out on the fashion of today and won't be able to look at old photos and laugh at their pants the same way their friends that had jobs during this period will. Having a job outside of customer service is the most effective cure for hipsterdom. 

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