Most people will agree that men and women should be treated equally.
Men and women should have equal access to school, housing, jobs and other public aspects of life.
Some people will say all persons should have equal access because the gender binary is a false dichotomy.
Then there are white men that insist they somehow got the short end of the stick in Western societies. Despite data from many sources, at many points and places in time indicate that white males have privilege and status that minorities don't even come close to achieving.
Being a white male makes life easier and there have been many great blogs explaining this fact so I don't feel a great need to go into that. Of course many undereducated white men think they have a harder life because educated women or minorities have a better job, car or house. While ignoring that most minorities do not have a better life than the large majority of white men.
These white men join Mens Rights Activists(MRA) and shout from the trailer top how rough their life is. Magically the MRAs have gained support from some women. These women have made claims that women should give up their right to vote and spend more time serving men. Along with promoting other MRA goals that basically encourage a strict gender binary and a return to racial segregation.
Success from keeping others down is not success. Getting a job because the potential employee pool is only other white men is not something to be proud of. Having a clean house but no food on the table because you have a housewife but no money for food is not worth bragging about.
Women should not be working to remove their own rights. People in general should not be removing rights from others. A more stratified society will not produce a better society. Yet that is somehow a belief with a strong following.
Fuck female MRAs. Your gender, race and socioeconomic status do not make you a better or worse person than others. Get off your ass, do something with your life, stop blaming others, lower your self-esteem to an 'unhealthy' level and maybe you'll realize there is a lot more to life.
Also, unless you are invited please do not think so much about
my vagina.